At A+ Family Dentistry, we believe that you don’t have to endure broken teeth, missing teeth, or jaw pain. Our full mouth reconstruction services are designed to restore both the appearance and health of your oral structures, giving you a beautiful, fully functional smile. Whether you're dealing with extensive tooth decay, gum disease, or trauma, our team provides comprehensive solutions to bring you lasting results.
Led by Dr. Tran and Dr. Justene Doan, our team of highly trained dentists and specialists are well-versed in a variety of restorative dental procedures, from dental implants and periodontics to porcelain crowns and orthodontics. Our focus on full dental restorations means you can complete your entire mouth reconstruction procedure under one roof. With advanced technologies like dental x-rays and 3D CT scans, we take a thorough approach to ensure every part of your full mouth reconstruction meets your smile goals.
Embark on a transformative journey to rediscover your perfect smile through our specialized full mouth rehabilitation plan. At A+ Family Dentistry in San Diego, we merge art and science to bring you full mouth restorations that ensure optimal oral health while enhancing the beauty of your smile. Whether you need dental implants, gum reshaping, or replacement teeth, our full teeth reconstruction services are tailored to your unique needs and smile goals.
We know that restoring your smile is about more than just aesthetics. Our mouth rehabilitation plan addresses both function and form. From implant surgery to restorative dental procedures, we are committed to helping you achieve a comprehensive solution that improves your life and oral health. Patients seeking full mouth rehabilitation in San Diego can expect a highly personalized experience, with treatments designed to restore your upper and lower teeth, align your bite, and alleviate discomfort caused by missing or damaged teeth.
The process of full mouth reconstruction is intricate, involving multiple stages to restore your smile. Our team takes a comprehensive solution approach that begins with a detailed examination during your initial consultation. Using dental x-rays, 3D CT scans, and impressions, we assess the condition of your gums, teeth, and oral structures to create a customized full mouth rehabilitation plan.
Our full mouth restoration process may involve treatments such as:
We also encourage patients to discuss their smile makeover goals during the consultation, ensuring that your full dental restoration meets both your aesthetic and functional expectations.
At A+ Family Dentistry in San Diego, we understand the importance of full mouth reconstruction as not only a cosmetic enhancement but also a vital aspect of overall dental health. Our tailored approach begins with a thorough assessment to identify underlying dental issues and formulate a personalized treatment plan. Whether it's restoring damaged teeth with dental implants, treating gum disease through advanced periodontal therapy, or realigning the jaw with orthodontic interventions, our skilled team is committed to restoring your smile's health and function. With a focus on patient-centered care and innovative dental solutions, we strive to deliver transformative results that exceed your expectations and restore your confidence in your smile.
Our commitment to excellence goes beyond cosmetic dentistry. Our full mouth rehabilitation process at A+ Family Dentistry goes beyond cosmetic dentistry. Whether you're dealing with multiple missing teeth or require a full mouth reconstruction procedure, our dental professionals are equipped to guide you through a transformative journey toward optimal oral health. It includes restoring the function of your teeth and oral structures to improve your overall quality of life. Whether you're replacing missing teeth or undergoing full mouth reconstruction, our skilled dental team will guide you through the mouth rehabilitation process step by step. Here’s what you can expect:
Our goal is to restore your smile to its full potential with minimal discomfort. We offer a wide variety of services, including implant-supported dentures, dental bridges, and root canals, to ensure your full mouth reconstruction is as comprehensive as possible.
At A+ Family Dentistry in San Diego, we recognize that full mouth rehabilitation is not just about achieving a beautiful smile; it's about restoring function, comfort, and confidence in your everyday life. Our dedicated team of dental professionals takes a comprehensive approach to full mouth rehabilitation, addressing not only the visible signs of dental issues but also underlying structural concerns. From dental crowns and bridges to TMJ therapy and bite alignment treatments, we offer a wide range of restorative solutions to meet your specific needs. With our emphasis on patient education and empowerment, we'll work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan that aligns with your goals and priorities. Let us help you rediscover the joy of smiling and eating comfortably with our full mouth rehabilitation services at A+ Family Dentistry.
A symphony of restorative procedures awaits those seeking full mouth reconstruction. From dental implants and porcelain crowns to orthodontics and implant-supported dentures, our array of services is orchestrated to replace missing teeth, improve bite alignment, and enhance the overall aesthetics of your smile. We believe in the power of personalized treatment plans, ensuring that every note resonates with your individual dental needs.
At A+ Family Dentistry in San Diego, we combine technology and expertise to create a symphony of restorative procedures that harmonize your smile's appearance and function. Whether it's implant surgery to stabilize dentures, or porcelain crowns to restore damaged teeth, our dentists in San Diego orchestrate each step of your mouth rehabilitation to perfection. Patients undergoing mouth reconstruction may experience:
Our commitment to excellence means every mouth reconstruction procedure is tailored to meet your needs, using the latest technology to ensure long-lasting and beautiful results.
We understand that full mouth reconstruction is a complex and multifaceted process that requires a harmonious blend of artistry and precision. Our comprehensive approach to restorative dentistry encompasses a symphony of procedures meticulously tailored to your unique dental needs. Whether you require the stability and durability of dental implants, the natural-looking restoration of porcelain crowns, or the transformative effects of orthodontic treatment, our skilled team is dedicated to orchestrating a treatment plan that addresses your specific concerns and goals. With our commitment to excellence and attention to detail, we aim to create a masterpiece of dental artistry that not only enhances your smile but also improves your overall oral health and quality of life.
Ease into your full mouth reconstruction experience at A+ Family Dentistry with our comfort amenities, including blankets, pillows, DVDs, headphones, and beverages. Additionally, for patients who experience anxiety or require more complex procedures, our sedation techniques—including nitrous oxide and IV sedation—ensure a comfortable and stress-free experience.

At A+ Family Dentistry, our mouth rehabilitation process in San Diego is designed to help you achieve your smile goals comfortably and confidently. Whether you need a complete smile makeover or full mouth restoration, our team of experts is here to guide you on your journey to a healthy, beautiful smile.
A full-mouth reconstruction can involve one or more of the following:
Our doctors take a customized approach to full-mouth reconstructions, as every patient is unique. The process begins with a thorough consultation. During this consultation:
As a result of their extensive training in orthodontics, Dr. Tran and Dr. Justene have a very thorough understanding of bite alignment and jaw function. They will ensure that your final smile is properly aligned so that your bite is comfortable and your restorations will last a long time.
At A+ Family Dentistry, we have many comfort amenities such as blankets, pillows, DVDs, headphones, and beverages to help you feel relaxed during your treatment. Our doctors will explain procedures in an easy-to-understand way, and they will clearly lay out all your options. They will listen carefully to your concerns, answer your questions and thoroughly describe all the steps of the procedure.
Approximately 9% to 15% of Americans avoid the dentist because of fear or anxiety. Failure to get routine dental care can lead to serious dental problems such as gum disease, tooth loss, and pain. Sedation can help anxious patients get the dental care they need. It can also be helpful for patients undergoing longer, more complex procedures. We can administer nitrous oxide, oral sedation, or IV sedation when it is needed. For patients needing IV sedation, a licensed general anesthesiologist will administer the anesthesia and monitor you while the doctor performs the procedure. Anesthesia levels can be precisely controlled by the anesthesiologist for optimal comfort and safety.
If you're a candidate for full mouth rehabilitation, don't wait to reclaim your smile. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and learn more about how A+ Family Dentistry in San Diego can transform your smile and oral health with our advanced full mouth reconstruction services.
"I have had such a great experience coming here! I had a few procedures done including cavity fills, cleaning, and teeth whitening. The staff always made sure I was well informed and comfortable. I would 10/10 recommend this place to my family and friends."
"A safe space with no negative judgement, gentle care and great staff. Dr. Tran is not only kind and personable, but he and his whole staff are doing such an incredible job! I have had quite a few procedures done here and I’m very excited and proud to make this my primary dentist."
"The A+ family provides a warm welcoming environment to all their patients. They walk you through each process thoroughly to give you confidence that you’re in good hands. Came here as a recommendation from my girlfriend and am happy I did!"